Why High Repetitions?


Whenever I write about Occupational therapy (OT) or Physical Therapy (PT) for that matter. I always stress that high repetitions of exercises are required to make things happen. Therefore, I would like to highlight some of the bonuses you get from high repetitions.  Since (OT) is often used in stroke recovery to help individuals regain functional independence and improve their quality of life. The use of high repetitions in stroke OT and PT recovery exercises can offer several benefits:


  1. **Neuroplasticity:** High repetitions can contribute to the process of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. Through repetitive movements, the brain can create alternative (new or less-used) pathways to compensate for the damaged ones, promoting recovery of motor skills.


  1. **Muscle Strength and Endurance:** High-repetition exercises help improve muscle strength and endurance. This is crucial for stroke survivors as it aids in regaining control over affected limbs and supports functional activities of daily living.


  1. **Motor Learning:** Repetitive movements assist in motor learning and skill acquisition. Regular practice helps the brain refine motor patterns, enhancing coordination and control over specific movements.


  1. **Task-Specific Training:** High repetitions in task-specific exercises mimic real-life activities, helping individuals regain skills necessary for daily living. This approach focuses on practicing activities that are meaningful and relevant to the individual’s daily routines.


  1. **Retention of Skills:** The more repetitions a person performs, the better they may retain and generalize the learned skills. Consistent practice can help reinforce the neural connections responsible for specific movements and functions.


  1. **Increased Range of Motion:** Repetitive movements contribute to increased joint flexibility and range of motion. This can be particularly beneficial for stroke survivors who may experience stiffness or contractures in affected limbs.


  1. **Enhanced Coordination:** High repetitions assist in improving coordination between different muscle groups and joints. This is vital for regaining smooth and controlled movements.


  1. **Improved Confidence and Independence:** Successfully completing high-repetition exercises can boost a stroke survivor’s confidence in their abilities. This increased confidence can translate into improved independence in daily activities.


  1. **Prevention of Learned Non-Use:** High repetitions help prevent “learned non-use,” a phenomenon where individuals avoid using a weakened limb due to frustration or lack of confidence. By encouraging repeated use, therapists can counteract this tendency and promote functional recovery.


  1. **Cardiovascular Fitness:** Depending on the nature of the exercises, high repetitions may contribute to cardiovascular fitness, promoting overall health and well-being.


It’s essential to note that the appropriateness of high repetitions depends on the individual’s condition, stage of recovery, and tolerance. OT interventions are typically tailored to the specific needs and abilities of each stroke survivor. Always consult with healthcare professionals, including occupational therapists, to design a rehabilitation program suitable for individual cases. The more specific the better to target a survivor’s requirements.


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