I Survived the Stroke Store

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I Survived the Stroke Store

Empowering Recovery, One Step at a Time.

We are here to help people rebuild their lives after a stroke by providing the products they will need to help them regain strength, mobility and functionality. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
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About Us

Life is Good Except for the Flippin Stroke

Hello, and welcome to the Flippin Stroke Survivor Store. My name is John Van Deun and I had a stroke in November of 2008. That puts me quite a ways out with no end in sight! Because these years have not been the most favorite. And as you might guess these years have been a constant cycle of ups and downs. In the beginning mostly downs. But as the years have gone by the ups have been more and more frequent. Probably due to a change in my outlook on life and my attitude. If you would like to learn more about my stroke journey please visit my blog. There is a button to go there in the header or footer of this page. Or you can get there from here
There are approximately 750,000 stroke survivors every year, the majority of which require physical and/or occupational therapy. The appropriate support equipment to regain functionality is also required. In addition, there is a large unmet need for rehabilitative devices for adults and children. These would allow them to function independently, such as in their home or school environment; without being dependent upon caregivers to carry out activities of daily living (ADLs). For example, the average stroke survivor who requires the use of both upper extremities will often experience loss of dexterity, strength, mobility, and coordination. This impairment of motor neurons within the brain are a result of the stroke.



Where Precision Meets Compassion in Stroke Care

We are here to help people rebuild their lives after a stroke by providing the products they will need to help them regain strength, mobility and functionality. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
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Vive Shoulder Pulley for Physical Therapy
Unique Sports Tennis Elbow Therapy Squeeze


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